Copyediting: essays & papers

from $95.00

We’ve helped thousands of students refine their academic writing. And with our extensive editing experience, we’re perfectly equipped to help you prepare a first-rate essay.

Student essay, assignment & paper editing includes:

everything we fix in our basic proofread — grammar, punctuation & spelling

+ we

✓ refine sentence structure to ensure your writing reads smoothly

✓ highlight any inconsistencies or unclear text

✓ check that your tone and vocabulary are suitably academic

✓ flag issues with citations or references.

Choose your word count below and preferred delivery time – regular · express · priority – so you’ll never miss a deadline!

Affordable & instant pricing

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We’ve helped thousands of students refine their academic writing. And with our extensive editing experience, we’re perfectly equipped to help you prepare a first-rate essay.

Student essay, assignment & paper editing includes:

everything we fix in our basic proofread — grammar, punctuation & spelling

+ we

✓ refine sentence structure to ensure your writing reads smoothly

✓ highlight any inconsistencies or unclear text

✓ check that your tone and vocabulary are suitably academic

✓ flag issues with citations or references.

Choose your word count below and preferred delivery time – regular · express · priority – so you’ll never miss a deadline!

Affordable & instant pricing

We’ve helped thousands of students refine their academic writing. And with our extensive editing experience, we’re perfectly equipped to help you prepare a first-rate essay.

Student essay, assignment & paper editing includes:

everything we fix in our basic proofread — grammar, punctuation & spelling

+ we

✓ refine sentence structure to ensure your writing reads smoothly

✓ highlight any inconsistencies or unclear text

✓ check that your tone and vocabulary are suitably academic

✓ flag issues with citations or references.

Choose your word count below and preferred delivery time – regular · express · priority – so you’ll never miss a deadline!

Affordable & instant pricing

Before you book:

please read our terms of service. You can cancel a service up to 3 days before, but after then, or if we have started work on the project, we retain all invoiced service charges.